
AMGTR.COM - There are a couple of public access sections available, they are shown below.
But for the most part this website is for PRIVATE ACCESS to various pages.
Thanks for visiting.

This section holds a collection of graphics I have done and posted.
Some are serious, some are funny, but they were all created to get folks to think about one thing or another.
When new ones are made, they will be included. 10 Images per page.
(this is a work in progress)       Go Take A Look
Updated: 11-09-15
The Patriot Page
A collection of Patriotic, American graphics having to do with Rights, 2nd Amendment and other American Patriot issues.
10/09/17: Update: I have been extremely busy. But I have a TON of graphics that I DO intened to post on this page soone. Might have to wait until the snow flies... LOL
Many of them can be found on my Facebook pages. But they will be here before too long.
